White slave owners were unique in how they dehumanized their slaves and relegated them to less than full people. They were unique in their brutality. Other countries allowed slaves the ability to learn, to marry out of their situations, their children weren’t automatically slaves. White slavers were just barbaric in their approach to keeping slaves.
Whatever happened in other countries has nothing to do with what America did and continued to do.
And many Native Americans have received reparations or payments already. Here is one article to check out https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/27/495627997/u-s-government-to-pay-492-million-to-17-american-indian-tribes
Also, white people commit crimes just as much as blacks. You just don’t see it on the news as much. But I’ve watched enough true crime shows to know whites murder just as much albeit for different reasons. And according to those FBI stats folks like to refer to, whites men have the highest rape rates of everyone.