I will agree that there are issues that some black people need to address, but I imagine if you go into a poor white rural area you will find the same dysfunction.
You basically implied that all black males are gang bangers with your NFL comment and that’s sadly racist. Are there no white gangbangers? Do some white people not commit violent crimes against each other as well as the police? But then what some white people do is not a reflection of all white people.
The problem I have with people like you is that you assume all black people are the same and that only black people have these problems.
As if white “ghettos” don’t struggle with drug addiction, crime, gang activity, single-parent households, and unwed teen mothers, “excessively” beating their kids and getting assistance from welfare.
For someone who has majored in African studies and has lived around Black people your whole life, I find your comments facetious. Since you seem to believe all black people are the same and are the only people with the negative attributes you mentioned.